Insert WaterWipes into Halloween messes. Literally.
To truly make WaterWipes a Halloween hero, we debuted the first-ever mess-detecting Hallowclean Machine at the Harvest Festival in Brooklyn. As the trick to Halloween’s messy treats, it provided an interactive experience that scanned each child, determined how messy they were and gave them a rating from “Spooktacularly Sticky” to “un-BOO-lievably Gooey.” WaterWipes were then dispensed from the machine for kids to get clean. A well-known celebrity and her son were the first to experience the Hallowclean Machine, driving excitement and lines at the festival all day long.
On Halloween night, we partnered with Nextdoor’s Treat Map, renowned for showing where the best trick-or-treating is, and put ourselves on the map, right in the middle of the mess — placing 10 Hallowclean wipe dispensers amid the best trick-or-treating locations across the country. Hallowclean-themed ads on key retailer websites reinforced WaterWipes’ new positioning all campaign long.